I chose a pale buttery yellow, something with enough warmth and color to be cozy but not too bright as I want to add punches of color throughout the room and don't want it too be too overwhelming. Bright and happy but still somewhat calming as well.
We also purchased a toddler bed from Ikea for Gwendolyn and I was able to pass the crib (and some other things) on to my younger sister Erin for her baby, due in November! Gwen loves her little bed and transitioned pretty well. Though now that daddy has gone we are having some sleep issues but that's another story.
And this is the other side of the room, I did recently purchase two more of the bins for Gwen's clothes that were previously stacked on the changing table so it is more clean and organized, but as you can see I still have some work to do. We need to put the curtains back up, finish decorating the top shelves of the book shelf and I am also planning on hanging curtains in the closet rather than put the doors back on. So stay tuned for that!
Here is the before picture of a small corner of our room...
We moved our computer desk down into the living room and I scored this and one other cupboard on craigs list for $150 total! I haven't decided exactly what i'll be housing in this one quite yet so for the moment it's just some books and misc. stuff. But the main reason for the picture is to get a sense of the paint color we chose for our room.
And that's it for our room till I do some more in there :)
This is the second cupboard we got, I have filled it with all the books and supplies I will be using to teach Gabriel with in the fall, possibly sooner if I get motivated enough.
This is the before of the same corner, I moved the toy box and all the other toys up to their room. And I switched out their car rug for a more homey brown one I had.
And since Gwen naps still I left a shelf for Gabriel's cars and trains so he has something fun to play with when she's sleeping. pretty much all the books I have in there are ones my mom and dad just passed on to me. They are in the process of job hunting and moving so they shared them with me which saves me a ton of money and them a ton of space! (there are two whole boxes full that I won't even use for several years yet) Such a blessing!
And speaking of blessings...they didn't just bring me books.
I got to have this old sewing table with built in machine, it needs a little cleaning and tuning up but my mom says it runs great once in order. It came with all the attachments as well which is great since my other one is missing most of it's attachments.
This is it all closed up :)
And then... the crowning joy of they treasures they gave...
MY PIANO!!!! I am so happy to have it here in my home. This piano was my grandparents, who eventually passed it on to my parents. It's the piano I learned to play on and have spent ever so many hours practicing at. I can't even tell you how fun it is to have it as my own now! I have been enjoying getting back into practice, as I'm a little rusty, and can't wait to teach my kids on it one day as well. :)
So thanks mom and dad! I'm thoroughly enjoying all you passed on to me! (For no, what I shared was not all they gave me, but more on that another day...)
i love the yellow you chose for the kids wall, very nice, i didn't get to choose a color for the baby's room since it isn't my house, but that's definitely a good color :]
we both got old sewing machines, yay! i was using the one i got for months before i left, but now i don't remember how to use it, so today i have to think about how to use it and stuff :p
your home looks very nice Anna, I feel bad we've never been there... maybe soon!
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